Editorial work - writing and editing

Since 2008 I have been writing freelance for digital and print publications in the UK, the US, Australia, and Canada.
I have had an award-nominated blog, a Sydney-focused food column, and been the Vancouver Lead for a North American wellness publication.
Other past publications include: SUITCASE, Not Just A Label ,Foodism and Escapism, Smudge Eats, About Time, Offmetro.com.
Most recent work below:

Strathcona Collective: 2023-2024 (print)

I am the Editor of Strathcona Collective magazine—a print publication found across the Strathcona region that focuses on community stories. I also contribute to both the magazine and its sister publication, CVC Collective.

My recent articles:
Discovering ancient coastal migration patterns (ft. Hakai Institute’s new aDNA lab)
The Klahoose Way (ft. Klahoose Wilderness Resort)
The Sea as Muse (ft. photographer and sailor, John Kelsey)

Edible Magazine (Print and online)

I have consistently written for Edible Vancouver Island magazine since 2022. I focus on chef profiles, farm stories, road trips, and restaurant reviews. I have also written several advertorials and some features for their website.

A few examples:
Catering Rooted in Community, Heritage and Coast - read here
Edible Road Trip: Campbell River - read
Shelter takes up its new residence on Tofino’s waterfront - read
Foraging and feasting in the wilds of British Columbia (Jade Berg) - read

Whalebone Magazine

Digital: September 2022 — Tofino’s National Park.

Other Works

I spent 18 months from 2015-2017, as the Sydney Contributor for culinary publishing company Smudge’s dedicated website Smudge Eats. My work involved restaurant profiles, neighbourhood culinary guides, a seasonal eats column (what to buy, when to buy, and what to cook with it), and recipe collections. In particular, this work has created an extensive profile — please scroll through for more!